Dear visitor, welcome to the website of theSociety for the scientific investigation of parasciences (Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften - GWUP), the German speaking skeptics society with members in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and world-wide. Our website is in German only. GWUP is a member of the European Council of Skeptical Organisations (ECSO), which also contains a list of member organisations in Europe. The ECSO site also shows a list of ongoing and planned events in Europe and worldwide. You can find more information on issues related to skeptics organisations in English at the websites of Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, the Skeptics Society and the James Randi Educational Foundation. For a complete list of skeptics' organizations around the world, please consult the list maintained by the UK skeptics organisation ASKE, also a member of ECSO. If you have come across our site in search of a fringe-science claim or a topic that is relevant to Germany, please contact us using the following form. You can also reach us at normal office hours at +49(0)6154 695021. If you want to visit us: The GWUP office's address is Arheilger Weg 11 in 64380 Roßdorf.